I recently heard an astronomer speaking about the creation of the
universe. He remarked that everything of and on the earth came from
space and the stars . . . all the ingredients that make up all the
minerals, vegetable life and animal life originated up there in the
stars. And so, each of us human beings is really made of comets and
stardust. I liked the poetry of that thought; and, to me, poetry is
often the only way to express our deepest feelings and thoughts.
The thought that we are now, and always will be, a part of
the universe seems very good to me. When we look up at the stars
twinkling in the sky, it is possible to feel the warm energy of
loved ones who have died, embracing us even though we know it is
very cold up there in star space.
Another thought that keeps buzzing around in my head these
days is who are we essentially? When you strip away our face of youth,
when we no longer have a career we're pursuing, when appearances are
insignificant, when keeping life busy and full of tasks is not valued
. . . who are we? Some learn earlier than others that only the ones we
love are essential to life. We simply become who we are through the ones
we have loved and love. It is the warmth of loving and being loved which
defines and becomes us forever . . .
To my dear loved ones,